What to do when you start coming down with something

It is an unpleasant feeling when you start coming down with something. You might feel a little under the weather, or maybe even have a full-blown cold. In any case, it’s important to know what to do if you’re not feeling your best. Here are some guidelines for what to do when your immune system starts acting up and making life difficult for you.

… The beginning of a cough, sneeze, or stuffy nose is a sign of a weakened immune system. At this point, it’s a good idea to take some preventative measures. First of all, drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest. You want your body to be well-hydrated so that you can eliminate the virus as quickly as possible. This is also when over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen are helpful in reducing fever and pain associated with colds or other infections…

Another thing you can do at this stage is to wash your hands regularly to avoid spreading germs around yourself or others. If someone else has come down with something like the flu, washing your hands often and avoiding close contact until they’ve had time to recover will help reduce chances for anyone else getting sick…

Foods to avoid would be sugar and dairy products. Those are items that not only weaken the immune system so that your body can be attacked by a virus or an illness more easily, but they also rob your body of nutrition and energy as you fight off the infection.

Avoiding sugar will help reduce fevers too which is great since high fever can cause serious damage to many parts of a person’s body like their brain. Instead opt for vegetables and fruits that are rich in Vitamin C or other antioxidants such as blueberries, strawberries, grapes, olives, etc… not only do these foods taste good but they provide your immune system with the extra strength it needs. For a place to order supplements visit Fullscript.

Dairy products are known for creating phlegm and congestion which, tend to be harder to eliminate once you start to notice a buildup. Before things get completely out of control, seeking a health coach could be quite beneficial and save you a lot of time and money. If you’re on the fence about working with a health coach, just remember that health is not something to be taken lightly.

The goal of health coaching is to empower people by helping them discover what their values are and how they can achieve health goals in line with those values so when it comes down to it health coaches do more than help you lose weight or get healthy — they help define your life path.

Essential Oils are known for their health benefits. There is literally an oil for everything. No matter the ailment.

There are many Essential Oils that can help you fight off the sniffles and get on with your day. Essential oils like peppermint, tea tree oil and eucalyptus have anti-viral properties and when diffused into the air or applied to skin they will be sure to do their part in keeping you healthy!

Getting sick is no fun but now there’s a way for you to keep getting healthier — Essential Oil Health Coaching. At Essential Wellness we believe everyone should experience life feeling good so to learn more visit: https://www.myyl.com/gyho

Published by rachellecdd

My name is Rachelle Davis and I am a Health Coach. I have been using natural and holistic methods through out my life to maintain my health instead of always turning to medication. In 2013 I attended The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. They teach many dietary theories and not one that works for everyone. It is possible to heal our bodies through the use of food but we must understand and determine what we need in order to accomplish that. Since then I have learned new methods and resources in nature that can be just as effective when maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have also learned that in order to live our healthiest happiest life we must pay attention to the production regulation of our food. Food is indeed the key to a healthy lifestyle.

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